Chic wallpaper

80 products

Are you looking for chic wallpaper? At Eijffinger, we have been designing unique, colourful and outstanding wallpapers since 1875. We create markable designs in our studio, so that our wallpapers always add an extraordinary effect to your home. The high-quality options of our own signature brand will make every room pop! Discover all the beautiful wallpapers that we offer.


Chic wallpaper for every room in your home

If you think about it, chic wallpaper is a beautiful addition to any room. Would you like to spice up your living room? Or does your bedroom really need a make-over? Maybe you are tired of the boring walls in your office… Whatever your situation is: a chic wallpaper will put the whole room together. For example, choose a chic wallpaper with grey zebra-print, a basic wallpaper with just one colour or a beige wallpaper with flowers. These wallpapers will fit every style and colour that you already have in your home. Therefore, they are the perfect addition to your interior!


Browse our collection and order your favourite

Are you curious as to what kind of elegant wallpapers we offer? Browse our classic wallpapers and our design wallpapers to find the perfect addition to your home. Are you interested in one of our wallpapers? Place an order for your chic wallpaper. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to fill out our contact form. We are happy to help you out!

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